Good day sons and daughters!
Here are a few, inexhaustive, tips to conduct our service in excellence. Please do not attempt to do everything I wrote here in one day. Excellence is a process. Just do the things that touch on you the most.
Let us also remember to be smart and have hair well-done both males and females.

Time: Respect time and it will respect you.
Arrive before starting time. You are serving not being served so you must arrive before everyone else. When given time to do something keep time. If I give you 5 minutes to preach at 5 minutes stop or forget about ever having that platform again.
Do not tell people, "I wanted to really unpack this revelation but I was given little time..." Ah wena! What image do you want to portray of your leaders!
Dressing: How you dress speaks volumes of who you are. Everyone is initially known by what they dress like. How do you see that this stranger is a pastor, nurse, soldier, police officer, fire extinguisher or even a prostitute?
Clean, ironed, matching. Formal or smart casual or regalia or department uniform.
Bring, extra, warm clothing.
Do not use a dressing that will take attention from the main purpose like using ultra-colours (unless if you are a speaker or performing), extremely short dresses, extremely transparent dressing, men wearing shorts etc.
Have towels ready!

Hair: The hair on your head speaks a lot about what is in that head! The hair in your armpits shows how hypocritical you are to clean public places and leave hidden places dirty. It shows insensitivity to others through bad odour.
Clean, shaven or well done. Armpits clean shaven
Body: Your body and dressing give us our first impression of you.
Bathed and use cologne, body sprays and deodorants
Brush your teeth, gums and tongue. If you can, please, floss and use a mouthwash. Keep mints.
Also, clean your nostrils and ears before coming.
Manicure and Pedicure: Your nails depict your cleanliness or lack of! It affects our decisions over your handling of pertinent stuff including food
If you will not do your nails please keep them short and clean.
Shoes: Shoes and belts for men or handbags for women are your status symbol. That is the thing people first notice about you when they want to decide what kind of person you are.
No open shoes like pata-pata. Closed shoes whether high or low only. Please do not remove shoes during services.
If your feet are smelly apply some powder.
Make-up: Make sure you use products that are not harmful and that suit your skin colour, tone and texture. If you do not have it's perfectly fine, natural is good. If you have do not overdo it.
Health and safety wisdom: For long services, alter guards must change after about 30-60 minutes.
Drink a lot of water 2 litres and above.
Find time to rest before and after service.
Make sure toilets are refreshing, clean and we have all toiletries.
Carry manifesting people with utmost respect and safety.
Carry them with honour and the proper way not like a hunted animal!
Never divulge details of actions manifested people were doing or saying in deliverance. It breaches trust and gives a bad image of the person. Remember after all the embarrassing actions that lady still needs to get married!
Guard windows where demons may throw people out, necklaces, ties when in deliverance.
Guard people against harming themselves in a service. This will have negative publicity on ministry if it happens.

Entrance of pastors: There must be grand celebrations. Read my book Double Honour Servants of God (Topic: How To Receive A servant of God!)
Hosting: You receive angels. You must be the smartest in the church.
Receive servants of God in honour.
Have towels which suit the dressing of your pastor and speaker.
Have loads of high-quality fruits, water and minty sweets for hostees.
Greeting visitors: There must be extreme grand celebrations and handshakes.
Immediately give them forms to fill in their details which they will surrender at the info desk
Worship Time: The worship band is the face of the Bishop. By looking at a worship team a visitor makes a conclusion on the visionary, his attitude towards God and the church. Be 👌 coz you must correctly represent me.
Worship team must lead us straight to God.
The band must ensure they capture us.
Band members must celebrate one another as they sing, and be actively involved not to stand by and look...even when one has started in discord, wrong pitch it tempo.
No folding of hands or showing that you are absent-minded.
Let us all participate, singing, praying and exalting our God from our hearts, raising our hands, shouting his praises, ululating, whistling, blowing trumpets, lying prostrate, clapping our hands' etc.
Don't just stand and look like you are the One being worshipped unless if you are security or an alter guide
Speaker introduction: Introduce speaker strictly by profile. You can then add your personal touch and feel. Always read profile before standing before people to clearly know, understand and be able to clearly articulate it.
Pronounce names properly.
Speaker-Congregants Relationship: These must be highly interactive therefore do not let people who are visitors or those gifted in being cold, silent and unresponsive sit at the front sits.
As band sing or speaker speaks always encourage them by seeding, responding in word, body language, standing, dancing
Ushering: You are the first person an attendee meets. You are the link between the outsider and the church. How you treat that person makes him/her want to stay or leave, come back gain or never! That makes you very important!
Sitting arrangements: Wisdom is needed here. All nursing mothers must sit at the back because they frequently need to be moving. The sick must be given a separate area. Couples should sit together.
Special Announcements:
Never miss to announce these:
- The restrooms PLEASE!
- Name of Church
- Vision
- Founder
- Years of ministry and locations
- Our local pastors
- That we love everyone and our visitors.
- How to be part of us.
- Salvation call to receive Jesus Christ
Telling people we offer pastoral duties: counselling, the Word, dedications, prayer for the sick and needy, baptism, dedications, sacraments, burials etc. This will help the church grow.
Inviting people for the next event.
Asking people to follow our social media and share.
The works by our Father e.g books, videos, DVDs, etc
M.Cs: You are the owner, custodian and the commander of the programme
Smile and speak love always.
Remember you are not the preacher or the lead worshipper but a director of the service. Direct the service.
Keep time and encourage timekeeping.
Tell people who they are supposed to see to get that particular help.
Speak in English.
Speaker: You are the voice of God to us. Speak like God is speaking
Be well researched, prepared and be sure of what you want to teach or preach. Don't ask verses from us, you are the one teaching us.
Show that you are a guru in your area.
Give people time to pray over the message.
Know we bathed, dressed well and came to hear God speak not your church politics, your issues with your elders or seniors or crushing other pastors! We want to see God.

Intercessors: You are the power room of God.
Intercession is not primarily a public ministry but mostly private. So please do not fight for the mic.
Though not seen it is very important. Every human body has private parts. They should never be seen in public yet as silent as they are the only ones with creative power!🙈 So does the body of Christ. Intercessors are the private yet the most fruitful.
Offering: Taken only by tithers because as a person speaks they share what is in them, not just information but also the spirit they carry. Even those who handle baskets and finance department must all be tithers ... no open door to the spirit of "load-shedding" our prosperity!
Apostle Pride Sibiya
Let us also remember to be smart and have hair well-done both males and females.
Time: Respect time and it will respect you.
Arrive before starting time. You are serving not being served so you must arrive before everyone else. When given time to do something keep time. If I give you 5 minutes to preach at 5 minutes stop or forget about ever having that platform again.
Do not tell people, "I wanted to really unpack this revelation but I was given little time..." Ah wena! What image do you want to portray of your leaders!
Dressing: How you dress speaks volumes of who you are. Everyone is initially known by what they dress like. How do you see that this stranger is a pastor, nurse, soldier, police officer, fire extinguisher or even a prostitute?
Clean, ironed, matching. Formal or smart casual or regalia or department uniform.
Bring, extra, warm clothing.
Do not use a dressing that will take attention from the main purpose like using ultra-colours (unless if you are a speaker or performing), extremely short dresses, extremely transparent dressing, men wearing shorts etc.
Have towels ready!
Hair: The hair on your head speaks a lot about what is in that head! The hair in your armpits shows how hypocritical you are to clean public places and leave hidden places dirty. It shows insensitivity to others through bad odour.
Clean, shaven or well done. Armpits clean shaven
Body: Your body and dressing give us our first impression of you.
Bathed and use cologne, body sprays and deodorants
Brush your teeth, gums and tongue. If you can, please, floss and use a mouthwash. Keep mints.
Also, clean your nostrils and ears before coming.
Manicure and Pedicure: Your nails depict your cleanliness or lack of! It affects our decisions over your handling of pertinent stuff including food
If you will not do your nails please keep them short and clean.
Shoes: Shoes and belts for men or handbags for women are your status symbol. That is the thing people first notice about you when they want to decide what kind of person you are.
No open shoes like pata-pata. Closed shoes whether high or low only. Please do not remove shoes during services.
If your feet are smelly apply some powder.
Make-up: Make sure you use products that are not harmful and that suit your skin colour, tone and texture. If you do not have it's perfectly fine, natural is good. If you have do not overdo it.
Health and safety wisdom: For long services, alter guards must change after about 30-60 minutes.
Drink a lot of water 2 litres and above.
Find time to rest before and after service.
Make sure toilets are refreshing, clean and we have all toiletries.
Carry manifesting people with utmost respect and safety.
Carry them with honour and the proper way not like a hunted animal!
Never divulge details of actions manifested people were doing or saying in deliverance. It breaches trust and gives a bad image of the person. Remember after all the embarrassing actions that lady still needs to get married!
Guard windows where demons may throw people out, necklaces, ties when in deliverance.
Guard people against harming themselves in a service. This will have negative publicity on ministry if it happens.
Entrance of pastors: There must be grand celebrations. Read my book Double Honour Servants of God (Topic: How To Receive A servant of God!)
Hosting: You receive angels. You must be the smartest in the church.
Receive servants of God in honour.
Have towels which suit the dressing of your pastor and speaker.
Have loads of high-quality fruits, water and minty sweets for hostees.
Greeting visitors: There must be extreme grand celebrations and handshakes.
Immediately give them forms to fill in their details which they will surrender at the info desk
Worship Time: The worship band is the face of the Bishop. By looking at a worship team a visitor makes a conclusion on the visionary, his attitude towards God and the church. Be 👌 coz you must correctly represent me.
Worship team must lead us straight to God.
The band must ensure they capture us.
Band members must celebrate one another as they sing, and be actively involved not to stand by and look...even when one has started in discord, wrong pitch it tempo.
No folding of hands or showing that you are absent-minded.
Let us all participate, singing, praying and exalting our God from our hearts, raising our hands, shouting his praises, ululating, whistling, blowing trumpets, lying prostrate, clapping our hands' etc.
Don't just stand and look like you are the One being worshipped unless if you are security or an alter guide
Speaker introduction: Introduce speaker strictly by profile. You can then add your personal touch and feel. Always read profile before standing before people to clearly know, understand and be able to clearly articulate it.
Pronounce names properly.
Speaker-Congregants Relationship: These must be highly interactive therefore do not let people who are visitors or those gifted in being cold, silent and unresponsive sit at the front sits.
As band sing or speaker speaks always encourage them by seeding, responding in word, body language, standing, dancing
Ushering: You are the first person an attendee meets. You are the link between the outsider and the church. How you treat that person makes him/her want to stay or leave, come back gain or never! That makes you very important!
Sitting arrangements: Wisdom is needed here. All nursing mothers must sit at the back because they frequently need to be moving. The sick must be given a separate area. Couples should sit together.
Special Announcements:
Never miss to announce these:
- The restrooms PLEASE!
- Name of Church
- Vision
- Founder
- Years of ministry and locations
- Our local pastors
- That we love everyone and our visitors.
- How to be part of us.
- Salvation call to receive Jesus Christ
Telling people we offer pastoral duties: counselling, the Word, dedications, prayer for the sick and needy, baptism, dedications, sacraments, burials etc. This will help the church grow.
Inviting people for the next event.
Asking people to follow our social media and share.
The works by our Father e.g books, videos, DVDs, etc
M.Cs: You are the owner, custodian and the commander of the programme
Smile and speak love always.
Remember you are not the preacher or the lead worshipper but a director of the service. Direct the service.
Keep time and encourage timekeeping.
Tell people who they are supposed to see to get that particular help.
Speak in English.
Speaker: You are the voice of God to us. Speak like God is speaking
Be well researched, prepared and be sure of what you want to teach or preach. Don't ask verses from us, you are the one teaching us.
Show that you are a guru in your area.
Give people time to pray over the message.
Know we bathed, dressed well and came to hear God speak not your church politics, your issues with your elders or seniors or crushing other pastors! We want to see God.
Intercessors: You are the power room of God.
Intercession is not primarily a public ministry but mostly private. So please do not fight for the mic.
Though not seen it is very important. Every human body has private parts. They should never be seen in public yet as silent as they are the only ones with creative power!🙈 So does the body of Christ. Intercessors are the private yet the most fruitful.
Offering: Taken only by tithers because as a person speaks they share what is in them, not just information but also the spirit they carry. Even those who handle baskets and finance department must all be tithers ... no open door to the spirit of "load-shedding" our prosperity!
Apostle Pride Sibiya