Bishop Pride Sibiya has been in the trenches ministering the gospel for over two decades now.
He is the Founding President and Presiding Bishop of Glory Ministries. Amongst his many sons and daughters; I have been priviledged to directly manage and administer him since July 2013.
He triples up as my Lead Pastor, District Pastor; and Bishop of Glory Ministries. In addition to that, he has numerous outside engagements; both at ministerial and professional levels.
Bishop Pride Sibiya is a married man with three daughters. His immediate family broadens up to include his biological mother, sister siblings, in-laws, close relatives and many other dependents who also live with him.
It is a herculean task to manage a Kingdom General of that magnitude. It calls for much more dedication, service and sacrifice. What I am going to share in this article series is informed by both experience and revelation.
1. Cover Your Lead Pastor In Prayer: The pastor is the lead shepherd of the whole congregation. Since time immemorial, the strategy of the devil has been to “strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered”. Working in close proximity to my father; I have seen him being attacked physically, spiritually and psychologically. I have also witnessed God preserving him from all those onslaughts.
The devil endeavours to exploit every avenue and weakness inherent in your lead pastor. Once he succeeds in that mission the failure is then magnified to catastrophic levels. History tells us that many churches have survived after an elder or deacon is caught pants down. But very few have survived the turbulence that comes after the lead pastor is caught fornicating!
The lead pastor represents the calling, the mandate, the doctrine, and everything that comes with that package. Some people come to church not because they are being blessed, but they come because the lead pastor has done something significant in their lives. So when such a figurehead falls short of exemplary behaviour, many souls could be lost forever!
The Apostle Paul commands us to “Pray always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints” – Ephesians 6:18. Your lead pastor is also a saint. Cover him in prayer.
May God bless you in your service as you defend the anointing.
Tapiwa Zuze –
Tapiwa Zuze is the Senior Administrator at Bethel Worship Centre; under Glory Ministries. He is the Administrator of his Spiritual Father and Lead Pastor; Bishop Pride Sibiya and Pastor Anna Tendayi Sibiya. To learn more, you can contact him on his website – – or email address –
His contact numbers are +263 77 324 2721 (Zimbabwe) or +263 71 924 2741 (Zimbabwe). This article series is a summary extract from his oncoming book on managing and administering servants of God.