Deliverance Victory Night - Apostle Pride Sibiya Prepares To Invade Glen View

Harare – Attention Glen View and its surroundings, your chance to receive total freedom has finally come?

Do you suffer from demonic spirits that have rendered your life stagnant for long? Then this June, you are going to be saved from such limitations.

After an epic deliverance session in Chitungwiza, the focus has now shifted to Harare, with other instalments to be held around the country, so make a date with your destiny.

Apostle Pride Sibiya – a prolific servant of God who has delivered people from Satanism, spiritual spouses that stops you from enjoying your marriage or getting married – will be in your area for an epic Deliverance Victory Night.

Deliverance testimonies were shared at the all-night attended by believers from various backgrounds, some who have followed the servant of God via his social media platforms. Miracles, as well as prophecies, have been shared through social media, which has become his virtual church, reaching the lives of millions of followers.

Since his calling into the pastoral, he has declared war on afflicting and avenging spirits that have reversed lives, causing premature deaths, bareness and generational curses, tormenting innocent families.

While some have sought to engage their tormentors through back to the sender, Apostle Sibiya has remained steadfast in preaching love, even under duress.

“The battle is not fought with back to sender but it is fought with love. Hatred, anger and envy are languages of the devil – and for you to overcome the devil, you have to move away from his territory and operate in love,” maintains Apostle Sibiya.

The Glen View chapter is a chance for a one-on-one encounter with the respected servant of God, who has preached on global podiums while overseeing almost 100 assemblies in four nations.

Deliverance Victory Night Details:

Date: 14 June 2019
Venue: Glenview Hall, Corner Patrenda and Glenview Way, Makomva (Glenview 1)
Time: 2100Hrs till morning
Contacts: +263 77 780 4770 | +263 77 270 9105

 Deliverance Victory Night - Apostle Pride Sibiya Prepares To Invade Glen View

 Deliverance Victory Night - Apostle Pride Sibiya Prepares To Invade Glen View

 Deliverance Victory Night - Apostle Pride Sibiya Prepares To Invade Glen View

 Deliverance Victory Night - Apostle Pride Sibiya Prepares To Invade Glen View

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Bishop Pride Sibiya Online
Glory Ministries is an international movement which was founded in 2001 by Apostle P. Sibiya, in Chitungwiza, Zengeza, the greater part of Harare, Zimbabwe. It is a global ministry with the vision of taking God's glory to the nations of the world. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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