Apostle Pride Sibiya is a true man of God with the heart of a father. He has managed to change my life in a very positive way.
Apostle Sibiya, my father has taught me the following 10 things – and I hope you will learn something too.
Written By Pastor Daisy Muchenje
1. Humility: He is a humble servant of God, despite him being blessed in many aspects of life, be it spiritually, physically, financially and socially
2. Balance between family and ministry: My family was suffering, I never gave them quality time with me. Had it not been for Apostle Sibiya maybe my family would be torn apart? Thank you, daddy, for the guidance.
3. Best marriage counsellor: Apostle Sibiya you healed my marriage. You helped me to behave and be the Proverbs 31:10 woman. I am still learning daily from you daddy. When it comes to marriage, he walks the talk. My family will always be grateful.
4. Forgiveness: I realised that despite being a pastor who has gone through bible school, I had not forgiven fully. Father helped understand and I can never beat the devil in doing evil. He opened my eyes and showed me the peace that comes with forgiveness. I love you, papa, for I am now experiencing the peace of God. Now I know when I forgive I'm doing myself a favour.
5. Being faithful in tithing: My father taught me that we tithe not because we have but because we love God. He has taught me to honour God and be obedient to him.
6. Learnt y from a true general of God: Whenever he sends an article on social media, I'm forced to read it by the inner man leading to more growth and wisdom. After reading the articles I feel like, I should go on, hence leading to study. Please, daddy, continue to write more.
At one point I taught about spiritual spouse from his book How to Overcome Spiritual Spouses and deliverance took place. I am so grateful.
7. Overcome poverty mentality: I used to pity myself too much and complain a lot. My bishop and father helped me realise the potential in me. Now I'm on my way to success. Through his teachings, I can now afford to send my two wonderful children to a private school and live debt free life.
Apostle, I can now spoil myself by going to the gym. You helped me come out of poverty and your God has been faithful.
8. Excellence: The man of God taught me to bring life and the best in everything small or big. The order in our ministry came from his teachings. We now try to make use of what we have and strive to reach a greater height
9. Take care of the sheep: I love God's people and learnt to sacrifice for them. All this through the teaching of bishop Sibiya. He has taught me a good Shepherd and to lead by example. I am what I am because of you my Shepherd
10. Live a sanctified life: I used to tolerate what I used to call small sins but through the teaching of Apostle Pride Sibiya, I am allowing Christ to be the leader of my life. I decrease as Christ in me to increase.
Thank you, daddy, you lift.me up when I fall.
May your God continue to strengthen you.