PICTURES: Evangelist Paul Saungweme Attends Tiyambuke.

Evangelist Paul Matsangaise Saungweme was born in 1957, the third born in a family of eight.  He spent the major part of his young life living with his grandmother in the rural area of Mbeza, Mutare, after having been rejected as a child by his father.  

He was named Zuvarimwe (literally translated One Day) because of his fragile health and state of infirmity, his family never imagined that he would live long enough to stand before multitudes of people and preach the wonderful Word of Jesus.
Evangelist Paul Saungweme
Evangelist Paul Saungweme
The day he decided to cross the border into neighbouring Mozambique and commit suicide was the day that Paul bumped into a crusade being run in his home area.  That was the Day he gave his life to Christ.  He was 18 years old at the time. 

Paul's passion for God burned with him.  As the preachers of that time preached that 'the end is near' Paul became desperate to preach the Word of God to as many people as possible and to see them saved.  He says "When I came to know the Lord, I felt others should also know Him.  He released me from poverty, rejection, curses and I felt and still feel that many others must know Him."
Evangelist Paul Saungweme
Evangelist Paul Saungweme
Evangelist Paul Saungweme
Evangelist Paul Saungweme

Evangelist Paul Saungweme
Evangelist Paul Saungweme

Evangelist Paul Saungweme
Evangelist Paul Saungweme
Evangelist Paul Saungweme
Evangelist Paul Saungweme
Evangelist Paul Saungweme
Evangelist Paul Saungweme
Evangelist Paul Saungweme
Evangelist Paul Saungweme

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Glory Ministries is an international movement which was founded in 2001 by Apostle P. Sibiya, in Chitungwiza, Zengeza, the greater part of Harare, Zimbabwe. It is a global ministry with the vision of taking God's glory to the nations of the world. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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