Apostle Mavis Gurupira - Unveiling True Generals In The LORD II.

Apostle Mavis Gurupira - Unveiling True Generals In The LORD - True Generals Are Confident In Who They Are: 

Having Confidence in God: The following four verses are found in the fourth chapter of the book of Philippians and they help one to see that they indeed can have full and complete confidence in God. Confidence in God empowers us, energizes us, strengthens us. It is this confidence in God that is going to make it possible to achieve and accomplish anything and everything that God the Father sets out before us. Confidence in God drives out fear, doubt, anxiety, and worry, and allows us to exist in a state of assurance.
Apostle Mavis Gurupira - Unveiling True Generals In The LORD.
Apostle Mavis Gurupira - Unveiling True Generals In The LORD.
 The four verses are:

Philippians 4:5 "The Lord is near" This is not talking about the second coming of Jesus Christ. It is talking about the fact that God is very, very close to you at all times. God's very presence is in and around you every second of every day, and is constantly and continuously watching over you, protecting you, and guarding you. He also promises you in many other verses that he will never leave you or forsake you.

Philippians 4:7 "And the peace of God will guard your hearts and your minds." This verse tells us that our Heavenly Father is going to instill peace in both your heart and your mind. Inner peace will be yours because the believer knows that Jesus Christ is living on the inside of them and it is the Son of God that is going to watch over them, protect them, and take care of them.

Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."
Through Jesus Christ you have the power to do anything that is in the will of God. Jesus Christ is the only one that can enable you with the power and ability to overcome and succeed in any situation. If you keep your focus on Jesus Christ he promises to give you the strength and the ability to succeed. However, please keep in mind that God is under no obligation to strengthen us or enable us to succeed at something that is not in his will.

Philippians 4:19 "And my God will supply all your needs." A personal promise that Our Father will make sure that all our needs will be fully and completely met. God knows what is best for you, and he wants the best for you, and he has the power to make sure that you indeed get the best.

These simple four verses show us that if we have the presence of Jesus Christ living within us, then we will have peace and tranquility in our lives, we will have the power of God actively working in our lives, and we will have God's own assurance that he will provide for us all that we need.
Apostle Mavis Gurupira - Unveiling True Generals In The LORD.
Apostle Mavis Gurupira - Unveiling True Generals In The LORD.
There are a great many benefits that we have when we have confidence in God. Some of the more important ones are:
  • We have greater spiritual growth and we begin to become much stronger Christians.
  • We have greater personal achievements.
  • We have greater peace in our lives, and our sense of joy and happiness is greater.
  • We also make a greater and much more powerful impact in the lives of other people. 
In fact the true believer who has God living within them no longer looks upon people and sees them as the world sees them. Now the believer sees them as God sees them.

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Glory Ministries is an international movement which was founded in 2001 by Apostle P. Sibiya, in Chitungwiza, Zengeza, the greater part of Harare, Zimbabwe. It is a global ministry with the vision of taking God's glory to the nations of the world. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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