"As a man/woman thinketh, so is he/she!"
The most important dimension of prosperity is the spiritual level. It is the doorway into every other avenue of prosperity. You can never prosper on earth or in Heaven without being spiritual. However after going through the spiritual we also need to prosper psychologically.
In basic terms pschology is a study to do with the mind the facaulty of thought and thought patterns. The mind is the incubator of any action that will be manifested hence very critical to look into its well-being. Many of the incurable diseases also arise from a poor psychological health background.
All the things we see are as a result of thinking or failing to properly think. Yes! Even great preachings are aided by great thinking. Cars are designed by thinkers, farmers have to think, football needs calculation...in the long run it is they that think that will govern the earth.
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Dimensions of Mega Prosperity 3: Psychological Prosperity |
Signs of prospering psychologically:
- Good memory
- Clarity of thought not confusion, depression, stress.
- Wisdom of God
- Intellectual intelligence
- Clear vision of life even when yoou are not an intellect
- Fresh ideas that move your area of assignment.
- Clear understanding of the Word and things of God.
- Understanding of life's basics.
- Emotional stability.
- Emotional control.
- Love toward God and men
Many Christians should learn to engage their mind and not just hide behind "the Spirit!" It is the Spirit who gave us the mind when God breathed and we became a living soul. Thinkers overcome...think and grow mighty on the earth. Do not budget pfungwa, hadzimbopere!
Enhancing psychological prosperity
1. Receive Jesus Christ. He is the door into the world of prosperity in whatever dimension. As you receive the mind of Christ is made disposable to you
2. Renew your mind by taking in the Word of God daily. The Bible is not a book written by colonisers, it is God's Wisdom Handbook to manking, it carries creative power. The word of God in your mouth can create a world of wealth around you.
3. Read and study. Hudofo hunoonekwa nekutangira newspaper paSports page rather than the world economies or by not even reading. Reading books expands your capacity and challenges you to higher levels of prosperity.
4. Go to school. Do not tell me you are too old, I am a lecturer and I lecture people who are 75, dzikama ipapo.
5. Eat food that helps you stay alert. Kudya zisadza masikati iwe urikuda kushanda zvinodhakwisa coz that kind of carbohydrate carries alcohol with it. Idya zvine size. Eat loads of fruit and veggies. Drink 2 lts of water, the renal system is the only system you have kuchenesa muviri.
6. Exercise. Helps proper circulation in all systems of the body. It burns fat, yakapera nguva yekuti kufuta kugarika, zvichengete.
7. Pray and ask God for wisdom. He is liberal with it.
8. Godly counsel. Stay around mature and godly people. There is always safety in many godly counsellors.
9. Sleep well, 8hrs a day makes both mind and body to be fresh.
10. Do not be a companion of fools.
Beloveds, my prayer today is that, you prosper spiritually, physically, psychologically, that you will never be a dofo, a dum-dum in all aspects of your life.
Go and prosper.
I love you so
Apostle Pride Sibiya