God is so in love with His people, and true to us, is it true to God: the depth of your love causes the deepest pain. While the heathen fear and tremble at His Name, His own are despising it and profaning His alter. How?
Apostle Pride Sibiya |
- Not honouring the Father of all the World
- Not reverencing your Master.
How do we dishonour Him?
- Offering defiled bread. This is living a life of sin then think we can bribe God by money and goodies. Why do we offer a sacrifice of sin? To obey is better than sacrifice!
- Offer the blind, the lame and the sick for a sacrifice. This is a false sacrifice rather kurasirira, throwing off things that are bothering you. God wants the best! He wants a real sacrifice that will please Him, not something to just please men.
Trying to decieve God in our lifestyle or in our offerings will release a curse(empowerment to fail) in our lives because we would have profaned the great King whose Name is dreadful even among the heathern.
I pray that me and you may:
- Magnify the Name of the Lord from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same
- Cause His Name to be glorified among us and the heathern...He wants the glory!
- Honour our Father, our Creator and reverence our Master
- Offer proper sacrifices that are an outflow of righteous living.
- Prosper and be succesful in 2015
How are your devotions in the Word and His Glory Our Vision?
Apostle Pride Sibiya